Dr. Groves
Dr. Groves has been serving the Los Angeles / Long Beach area since October 2000. He graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College. In addition, obtained his DACNB credentials in the same month just prior to graduation. He has been an Assistant Professor in Clinical Neurology for the Carrick Institute. The Carrick Institute educates individuals in Clinical Neurology.
Dr. Groves has been instrumental in helping patients achieve rehabilitative results in a variety of cases and conditions. The results obtained by a great deal of patients can be life changing. We have heard from many a patient “I didn’t think I could ever get better” and “I had lost hope, but now seeing Dr. Groves I can feel a difference and now I feel like there’s hope.” With less than 500* Chiropractic Neurologists worldwide, a patient can rest assured that they will receive the highest level of healthcare available to them.
It has been said that when a doctor is not sure what to do with his patient and all avenues seem to lead to a dead-end send the patient to Dr. Groves – he is sure to be able to diagnosis and help the patient.
We welcome you to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Shad Groves and find out how he can help you. To schedule an appointment call 562-997-0966.