Neck Pain
When is neck pain more than just a pain in the neck?
Neck pain can have a big influence on a patient’s overall health and wellness.
The neck is a major intersection connecting the peripheral nerves (shoulder, arm, and hand), vertebral arteries (supplying blood to the parts of the brain that control balance and coordination), and major muscles (esophagus and larynx). For all it’s strength, the neck is a delicate structure that can be the source of intense pain when not properly cared for.
Neck pain can be caused by: disc herniations, degenerative joint disease, whiplash, prolonged sitting, poor posture, past injuries and other conditions. Like so many other conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care, neck pain can also be a symptom that there is another problem.
Neck pain is a message from your body that there is something wrong. Patients should listen to their body and seek treatment.
Chiropractic treatments are highly effective at relieving neck pain. Unlike medication, which can mask symptoms, the non-invasive therapies of chiropractic medicine treat the causes of neck pain for long-term relief.
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